The newest craze seems to be daily options. In fact, almost half of all options fall in this category. Many investors are using them in a way that resembles gambling, which has raised attention and criticism. Check on this article at WSJ.
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
0DTE (Zero Days to Expiration) Options
Monday, May 8, 2023
Dollar Weighted Returns and Market Timing
Retail investors are generally poor market timers. As such, the return they actually earn (what we call dollar weighted, or asset weighted, returns) is generally much lower then the return a fund manager otherwise provides (what we would call compounded buy and hold returns). Check out this article (WSJ) for more on the return gap across different fund types and different levels of market volatility.
Monday, March 6, 2023
Zero Day Options
The fastest growing area in the option market is so-called "Zero Day Options," which expire the same day they are issued. These are attractive to day traders and others looking to benefit from a quick movement in a stock's price. Surprisingly, their fast growth means that these options now represent almost 40 percent of daily option volume. See more information here (Bloomberg).
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
Tesla Shorts Finally Win
Over the past few years, Tesla has had a large short interest, yet the stock kept rising. However, in 2022, fortunes changed, and Tesla dropped over 60 percent, bringing a large return to the bears. See article here, Yahoo!.